
Friday 20 December 2013

3rd Year. Semester I.

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Oh hai. It's been a while. Busy me. It's just today that I feel like wanna write something here. Just telling story of how busy my life as a 3rd year student in UTM.

Final week before study week. It's hurricane. Everyone is busy doing their projects, mengejar due date. and everyone also emotionally unstable. but not everyone laa. and I don't give a damn if you just emo by yourself. Just,please don't melampiaskan kemarahan,keeomo-an tu pada orang lain, TANPA SEBAB. Be matured. Everyone is in the same shoes as you. When you're about to think how UNLUCKY you are, think twice. There are lots more people out there,far apart unlucky compare to you. Even this small stress you can't handle, what do you expect when you're working later? Think carefully.

Okay, awal bicara dah marah orang. HAHA. No, I don't mean to marah orang. It is just a reminder. 

So how's 3rd year so far ? Mcm biasa, awal sem minggu pertama tu tak busy sangat. tapi lepas tu hambik kauu. kuiz,tests,assignments,.. now end of the kuliah week, lots of things to be submitted.

Kalau semuanya setel before study week kan bagus. Ni takk. Ada lecturer yang belum bagi projek. Tapi nak minta hantar masa exam week nanti. Ada yang dah bagi projek tapi lambat giler sampai nak kena bentang minggu exam juga. Nak kena review paper lagi. 

I'm not complaining. It is just that lecturer ingat kita semua ni cuma ada satu subjek je ke satu sem? Sem ni ada 6 subjek. Projek pula 5. so almost everyday kena ada progress. And it's not like kau duduk,buat terus siap. Unless you're the genius type. pelajar cemerlang. meanwhile for student yang not so cemerlang like me, it takes time. even dah siap pun ada je yang tak kena. it is driving me crazy sometimes.

Carry mark. Well. mcm biasa. tak semua lecturer dapat show carry mark before exam. And I don't expect much. I know my performance already so just improve and add the knowledge in my head during study week. Now that I'm 3rd year,my goal is just to keep safe my GPA which is 3.00 and above. To qualify me to continue Master later. Most importantly, I can grab the skills and knowledge. Not sooo much on papers and exams.

Next sem, PSM I already. I have book my supervisor. SV that have experience in developing real system. Will learn alot of things from him. Also, he offer me to do the practical at his workplace too. So I can do my PSM and my practical at the same time. Plus,his workplace is in UTM and of course I will save the cost of living by doing my practical at UTM. Some people might says that I am afraid to take up the job ioutside UTM. Well hey there, apa kau ingat di UTM bukan real job ke? sama juga. you face the same things too. for computer science students, mana-mana kau kerja, berhadapan dengan benda yang sama. sistem. sistem dan sistem. 

But I really thank God. He is the one that makes me can go through all this craziness.  :')

Saturday 25 May 2013

Recommended Drama Jepun : Seigi No Mikata/ Ally of Justice

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Kali ni nak citer tentang drama Jepun yang harus korang tengok kalau tension atau free sangat. Aku tengok drama nie malam semalam dari jam 7mlm sampai 3 pagi. Non stop! Lepas tension konon. Haha. Drama nie direkomen oleh rumet aku. And aku percaya taste rumet aku so aku pun tengoklah. Worth watching.


Seigi no Mikata (正義の味方?Ally of Justice) is a story first published by Shueisha as a manga by Hijiri Chiaki, and then made into a short-running TV drama in 2008 by Nihon Television, directed by Satoru Nakajima. The story is about a 15-year-old girl named Yoko, who is being tormented by her older sister Makiko. Only Yoko and her parents know her sister's true nature, while other people are fooled by her unbelievable good luck.

Credit to Wikipedia.

Personally aku suka drama Jepun dari drama Korea. Sebab drama Jepun pendek. Dalam 10 episod je. Tak macam drama Korea. Panjang berderet berjela tak masuk akal. Ececeh. Mengutuk tapi tengok juga. Haha. Pastu drama Jepun walaupun pendek tapi setiap satu episod ada banyak pengajaran. Same goes to this drama.

Seigi No Mikata 

Untuk senarai watak utama, pergi cara sendiri. ye. Yang pasti kakak dia nie adalah si Hongo Shiori aka Lucia dalam citer Mei Chan tu. Adik nya pula nie first time aku tengok. Comel .Hehe. Pastu lelaki eye candy dlm drama ni yang suka adik dia adalah watak utama (?) dalam Real Action Prince of Tennis. Sumber dari rumet aku. kekeke.

Citer ni pasal kakak dan adik. Kakak dia digambarkan sangat cantik dan pandai bagi orang lain tapi sangat wicked bagi adiknya. Dia punya motto adalah satu kejahatan per day. And then turn out dia punya wickedness tu akan bantu or bawa org yang jadi mangsa dia good luck. And orang ramai panggil dia Ally of Justice.Walaupun kekadang x masuk akal tapi aku suka plot twist dia. Haha. Adik dia pula selalu kena buli. Disuruh itu ini. Selalu jadi mangsa untuk kakak dia dapatkan something. Contohnya kakak dia suka ahli sumo then dia akan suruh si Youko masuk kelab Sumo. Kalau dia suka Coach Tennis, dia akan suruh adik dia pi main tennis supaya dia boleh ada alasan flirt ngan coach tu. And ada lagi la mangsa dia. Korang tnegok sendiri. Tapi masalahnya kakak dia ni more to hot and cold relationship. Kejap je dia suka seseorang tu and end up she dump then. Nampak mcm wicked kan? Tapi korang tahu apa jadi kepada orang-orang yang dia dump nie? Saksikan sendiri. Haha. Adik dia kena follow juga sebab kakak dia keep score. Suka mengungkit perkara lepas. Sampailah satu masa, kakak dia nie betul-betul suka ngan seorang laki. And si Youko lah yang kena menyiasat bagai sampai kena panggil stalker. Kakak dia jenis yang jual mahal la. Play hard to get camtu. Macam-macam yang Youko buat untuk set up dorang biar kakak dia nie boleh kahwin dengan laki tu dan tinggal ngan laki tu then Youko dapat freedom yang dia inginkan. Dah kahwin tapi still menyusahkan dia juga. Haha.Banyak perkara lucu berlaku. 

Oh ya dan si Youko ni ada blog dimana dia akan bercerita semua perkara dan kesusahan yang dia hadapi gara-gara kakak dia ni dalam blog dia nie dan end up blog dia dipublish jadi buku. Kakak di baca ke tak ? Korang tengok sendiri. Hehe.

Ni lah laki yang buat akak dia jatuh cinta tu. Comel la bagi aku. Haha.

Overall citer nie sangat best. Banyak part yang melucukan dan menggelikan hati aku. Ada pula part yang heart wrenching bagi aku then turn out jadi benda yang sangat lucu. Haha. Sampai keluar air mata aku gelak. Gosh,these drama is so damn good! Haha. And dalam setiap episod akan ada wickedness kakak dia ni turn out bawa something good pada orang lain. Sebab tu pada akhir citer nie si Youko cakap walaupun kakak dia macam jahat tapi seakan-akan ada Tuhan bersama dia. Aku belajar pasal ikatan kekeluargaan dalam cerita nie. Walaupun kakak dia sangat mean tapi sebenarnya bawa kebaikan kepada si Youko juga. Ada certain part di mana Youko mencontohi apa yang kakak dia ajar and turn out that it help her.Love it. 

Ni pula eye candy dalam citer nie. Apa yang paling kesian adalah si adik nie selalu jumpa lelaki nie secara tak sengaja di mana dia selalu ada kesusahan dan muka comot bagai gara-gara kakak dia yang jahat tu. 

Part nie sangat lawak. Haha. 

Aku sangat menggalakkan korang tengok citer nie. Sangat sangat BEST! 


 Nak tengok boleh cari kat dan dramacrazy. Aku dapat nie terus direct from my rumet. 

Ada sesapa pernah tengok tak ? Best? Meh la share pengalaman anda tengok citer nie. Hehee.

Friday 24 May 2013

{Review:Buku} Tiga Hati - Liza Nur,Nurul Syahida,Zara Amani

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

In my life,these are TWO of my favourite writers/novelist. Selain dari Sophie Kinsella.

Hlovate dan Nurul Syahida

I'll post it in another entry why I love them. Special entry ye. Hehe. Now let me review this 1st novel I have read in 2013. Yes, it's been half of the year and I only read one novel. Shame on me. Haha. Well, you can't say I'm lazy. The reason why is because I'm sibuk and also there are NO MORE quality novel there in the bookstores that can gain my interest to read it once in ONE Night.All novels have same plot.Well not all BUT mostly. Cliche. Cliche and Cliche.

But NOT this novel. 


When I know that my favourite writer/novelist which is Nurul Syahida, going to publish a new novel after been missing for almost 2 years since Valentina Nervosa, I was excited! Yeay finally another good book to read after 2 years. HAHA. Even tho this time she collaborate to write together with two novelists as mentioned above,but I don't care. As long as I get to read her novel,I'm okay with that. Sound like stalker/obses much to Nurul Syahida huh ? Haha.

Okay, price was quite expensive. This is the most expensive novel I ever have. For Malay novel la. Of course among all books/novel,Harry Potter is the most expensive.Hehe. But really lucky me! One of my friend's mom is good and kind enough to buy it for me during Popular Sale. There is about 20 or 30 percent discount so I get discount price about RM20! Yeay! Thanks Mak Fai :)

Cover was good enough. I don't really care about cover novel btw. Most important is the isi. People say Don't judge book by it cover. Yes,I do. I jugde book by writer. Haha. Coz I have experience, there was once I buy one book,the cover looks so nice and pretty and pink. Well you know me,pinkaholic. And end up I didn't able to finish reading the book. That book sucks I tell you. Really suck. Doesn't worth buying.And yeah,the lesson learnt here is don't jugde book by it cover. Haha.

Now let's move on to the 3 Hati. Basically it is about 3 different peoples or to be exact, 3 different ladies. But almost have the same stories. Lea, Wulan and Nini. Liza Nur write about Lea. Nurul Syahida write about Wulan and Nini 's written by Zara Amani. You guys can find the sinopsis of each stories at the back of the book. Macam biasa lah. No need for me to explain here. 

It start with prolog. Taking place at LRT I guess. Haha. Where these 3 ladies were in the same LRT in some time. Really interesting.It's like in the opening of movie. where there are 3 people have 3 different story. Different path in their life and then we end up came back to the same place again and we will act like "Whoa..that is what happened huh.. " Or is it just me ? Haha.

I don't know how to write proper book review btw. No formal format right? Haha. Kalau ikutkan hati,nak review pasal cerita Wulan je sebab aku baca cerita Wulan sekali harung je. Sangat menarik. Tapi mcam bias pula. Well, Liza Nur and Zara Amani need feedback too right? So I'll write one by one. Part by part of the story la ye. Mind you,this is my point of view ye. Different people have different opinions. I respect urs and you respect mine. Thank you.

Liza Nur - Lea
Cerita Lea mengisahkan dia ditinggalkan kekasih yang dah kapel selama 7 tahun masa wedding day. Kasihan sungguh. Malu satu hal. And then bermula lah pembinaan semula hidup selepas ditinggalkan masa wedding day. And go read by yourself the rest of the story ye. I don't want to spoil it. Haha.
Worth reading because I learnt a lot from Lea's life. Macam mana dia bangkit dari kisah silam but too protective toward herself. I don't have any issue with how Liza Nur present Lea story.Liza guna teknik imbas ke belakang juga. And eventually it will become present day without she mentioned it.I can understand. It is just nice. Okay lah. Not too slow not too fast. Love the way she twist the plot and relink the character with each other. I don't remember too well my favourite part in this story.Maybe because it is just plain. I mean nothing difference. Nothing significant that can make me love the part. Sorry Liza Nur. Hehe. 

Nurul Syahida - Wulan
Aku ada seorang classmate Indon bernama Wulan. Comel dan riang orangnya. Haha. Okay takde kaitan. Move on.

Wulan digambarkan sebagai gadis yang hidup dalam mode auto pilot. Maksudnya,life goes on. Macam biasa. Bangun tido,pergi keja,balik kerja,pergi tido balik. Sehingga lah dia jumpa seorang peguam yang bernama Neal. Menggelar dirinya sebagai relationship freelancer. Interesting yet? Atau nama lainnya,playboy? Taktau lah. Haha.. And hidup dia mula berubah after that. Apa yang berubah? 
Baca sendiri ye. 

As usual, Nurul Syahida is my favourite writer among all so I'm quite bias here.Haha. She and her theory of life which is uncomfortable truth for those who yang tak biasa dengan cara penulisan dia. But that is what I love about her. Obses enough? Haha. I learnt a lottttttttttt of things from this story. Apa yang menarik adalah Neal almost like Barney Stinson in HIMYM. They even have the journal. Except Barney call it the Playbook. And Neal ? Lupa sudah. But it is the same thing. Cerita Wulan dikembangkan dengan sebaiknya. Every chapter ada perkembangan and then go to klimaks and peleraian. Mcm komsas pula dah. Haha. Cik Shai (Nurul Syahida) really knows how to make her readers stay with the story till the end. 

Overall, good job Cik Shai.  Wulan story is worth reading. There are lot of parts and incidents which I love and quite significant for me. Ianya meninggalkan kesan dan impak to me. Takdelah mendalam sangat cuma setakat membuat kan aku eksited bila membaca the whole story. Lagi-lagi kes Wulan dan bosnya tu. Haha. Kes apa? Baca sendiri eh.

Zara Amani - Nini
Aku ada classmate bernama Nini di Matrikulasi dulu and we're quite close friend. And for the rest of this story,aku membayangkan muka kawan aku nie dalam cerita nie sebab nama sama lah katakan. Haha.
I never read any of Zara Amani punya novel before. So aku tak biasa sangat. What can I conclude is that Nini punya story quite slow di perkembangan. Asyik citer pasal aktiviti lasak je.Dia dan kengkwan dia pergi trekking diving la... Aku fokus at first three chapter je then tengah tu pergi langkah terus ke hujung sebab takde perkembangan sangat. Boring you know. She have to blend more at the perkembangan. Then Zara guna teknik imbas kebelakang. It's like,present day first then we go back to few years and go to present again but you won't notice. Can't differentiate. Agak keliru di situ sebab taktau timeline bila. And she didn't even mentioned when. Hehe. At the end, I found nothing interesting about Nini's life. Nothing significant. Nothing I can remember about Nini's life. But I learnt some thing here. I get to know tempat buat aktiviti lasak. Haha. And quite humorous too. Credit to Zara Amani for that.

Ending was like more to conclusion hidup mereka bertiga. Menarik juga. Tak semua akan ada happy ending k. This is not fairytale. And ada element surprise dan tergantung ? Taktaulah. Hehe.

As conclusion, cewah. I buy this novel because of Nurul Syahida je pun. Hehe. Walaupun begitu,aku bagi perhatian juga kepada another novelist story cause I'm trying to relate with the three of them. 

Worth reading guys. Especially Wulan's life.You're gonna love Cik Shai after that. Haha.Agak bias di situ. :P

I haven't read Anthem by Hlovate. Kinda busy with final exam preparation nowadays.Never ending works. Tapi kengkawan cakap best. So,I'll write the review once I finish read it ya.

Thursday 23 May 2013

{Review} It's Skin Power 10 VC Effector

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Haritu ada someone request me untuk buat review tentang produk yang aku beli last March Haul. So here is one of the product, It's Skin Power 10 VC Effector.

Endorsed by Thai Prince,Nickhun >.< kyaaa

Each type have different function. As for mine,the Vitamin C one,kononnya akan brighten acne scar dan memperbaiki pores la.

Pakai selepas toner korang. Kalau korang x pakai toner, then use it before mouisterizer. 

As you can see, di gambar atas produk ni takde kotak. Just botol je. Takde diletakkan list ingredients so I'm trying to find list di internet yet it dissapoint me. And disertakan pipette. Untuk pengeluaran cecair serum dari botol.

 Pipette yeay ^__^

 Not so sticky

 Watery texture

Okay here is what important. Setiap orang ada lain jenis kulit. And FYI,my skin is more to combination type of skin. Oily di Tzone. But normal at cheek area. Kind of. HAHA. So my experience when using this maybe different from yours.

So i bought this thinking that this product maybe can membaiki masalah large pore aku. dan mencerahkan parut jerawat sebab vitamin C dalam produk nie. But I was wrong.

Sampai je produk tu aku terus pakai malam tu juga after my night skincare routine. What happened you ask?
Next morning,my face get oilier than usual. Dah boleh goreng pisang suda. Blergh. Then what make it worst is that milia come out. All around where I applied this product before.You know milia? Ala benda putih yang ada kat muka bayi tu. Gugel untuk info lebih lanjut.

Even the second day I give it another try yet still same result. Milia bertambah banyak dan menjadi jerawat sekarang. Huhu. Di hidung dan pipi aku. This two place yang tak pernah disinggahi jerawat tetiba ada pas pakai produk nie. How dare! So yeah. This product doesn't work on me. Huwaa. Rugi tau. Lain kali beli sample dulu. Nasib baik takdelah mahal sangat. Hehe. And I think my skin cannot works well with watery texture. kot. Wait till I try another Vitamin C product. Sebab org cakap memang Vitamin C punya product akan buat breakout 1st time guna sebab dia mcm nak keluarkan benda-benda kotor dalam kulit. Something like that la. Haha.

No rating for this product. It doesn't work for my skin. How should I give the rating? =.="

Friday 10 May 2013

Jom Shopping Online: Princess Beauty Shop

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。
                   Princess Beauty Shop

So i have found my other favourite online shop. Based on facebook too. It is my second favourite! yeay! Why second? Because the owner come from Sabah,Sandakan. Which cause the postage fees more expensive and also their product price is slightly higher than my MOST favourite online shop which I shared with you all before. That is why this shop fall on second. 

Just because of the postage fees okay. Hehe. Now let me share with you my experience when buying from this online shop. It start around March ago. I was jumping page in the facebook and found this shop,baru buka tahun nie and they sell Etude House Travelling Bag!! Gosh I have been looking for this travelling bag for ages! You know last year when Etude House have sales for Christmas, they give this bag for free if you purchase RM300!! And I was like what ??? But still I can't resist the cuteness of this bag and I made up my mind to purchase whatever it takes to get the bag. Ya,ya,ya. I know. I'm Etudeholic btw. Haha. But later,I tak sempat nak join the promotion pun. I was late when I went to shopping at Etude House last year and so bye bye Etude House travelling bag.My dream was crushed just like that. Huwaaa. And I end up shopping at Etude House for promotion buy One Free One which I could said the most worthy and valuable purchase of all. Muahahaha.

Until I found this online shop and saw they sell the travelling bag! Gosh I don't think too much. I just PM them on the spot. Then I notice they also sell Kiss Note Notebook and Etoinette Princess Pouch at such and quite cheap price laa excluding postage. I ingat nak beli but then macam tak perlu je. Haha. And I cancel my order. Just stick to travelling bag je laa. After bayar bank in, dalam masa dua minggu bag I dah sampai kat owner shop and dia PM I gtau dah sampai dan akan dipos. And in 3 days,bag I dah sampai di UTM. Wehuu~~ 

Mari menjamu mata melihat lebih dekat bag nie !

Pengalaman aku guna bag nie adalah untuk seharian bermalam. Yes,for a girl like me yang banyak benda nak dibawa,beg nie adalah untuk one night only. Haha. Sebabnya,size dia not so practical. Ada bersegi-segi if you get what I mean. Saiz dia tak oblong or segi empat panjang macam other travelling bag. It is more to trapezium shape. Hehe. So I recommend this bag for one night stay only. Unless you're type of girl yang simple and not complicated like me.Haha.

 Free samples yeay! I love samples!

 Uri JYJ oppas~~ 

Bussiness card and calendar in ONE. Brilliant!

Overall,i love shopping from this shop. The service was superb. The owner is pemurah and nice you know. I just bought bag and doesn't expect to get free samples from her.Haha. Price is reasonable and of course for me as a student I would love it to be more cheaper. Yela nak jimat duit la katakan. But I know,kalau beli dari Korea secara online memang murah cuma shipping nya lah yang mahal. Hehe. Nanti ada sorang kawan aku nak gi Korea with her family so I start to list down product yang aku nak pesan kat dia sebab way morrreeee cheaper compared to price in Malaysia. Haha.

So for those who is interested, come click on the link above and shop till you drop! XD

Thursday 9 May 2013

*෴* Cerita Sakit Saya.

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Due to perubahan cuaca/musim dan terkena hujan tempoh hari,antibodi aku yang tak berapa nak stabil pun tak mampu nak menampung serangan bakteria dan virus-virus cinta. Haha. Just kidding. In short, aku jatuh sakit la. Dimulakan dengan sakit tekak yang tak berapa nak teruk, aku dah agak aku akan sakit punya. Get ready je la. Then next day sah,demam sampai menggigil-gigil. Panas di dalam badan tapi sejuk di luar. Itu sudah biasa bagiku. Hehe. Pakai stoking dan sweater. Berbungkus selimut. Slow kipas. Adalah berpeluh sedikit. And of course peluh masa sakit adalah sangat nikmat. Hoho. 

Hari Rabu nasib baik takde kelas pagi. Cuma ada kelas jam 11 pagi. Then bersiap-siap separuh nyawa dah, hampir pengsan di bilik mandi,berpinar-pinar dah dunia ni masatu. But thank God masih sempat bertahan. Bila dah get ready tunggu bas tu,berpinar-pinar lagi, Ya Tuhan, serius tak larat then kol kosmate ingat nak tumpang sekali g fakulti tapi beliau pun sakit juga and decide tak datang kelas. So aku pun ambik keputusan yang sama. Balik bilik. Berselimut dan padam kipas terus. 

Tengahari tu dah plan ngan my girls nak dapatkan Pizza yang murah. PizzaHut tengah wat promo, 1 regular pizza = RM10.9+ sumting kalau tak siap. Maksimum hanya 5 keping pizza boleh dibeli. Okay sambung citer plan tadi. Syukur dah berpeluh tengah hari tu, aku gagahkan diri ikut my girls g Jusco Taman U. Lagipun aku nak isi application form keja kat Etude House mcm yang aku citer haritu. So apa citer? Dah isi form,dia interview aku serba sedikit, bila nak kerja,nak gaji berapa per jam. Aku cakap aku nak mula kerja around Jun dan gaji RM5 per hour. Standard utk beauty consultant. Aku tanya bila working hours, supervisor tu cakap bergantung. Dia akan kol aku dalam masa seminggu. Mudah-mudahan aku dapat. Sebab aku takde plan B sekarang. Huhu.

Okay dah balik dari Taman U,aku menyambung rehat. Bangun tidur tu bersiap untuk g Lifegroup masatu tekak aku rasa macam dah okay. Ada harapan nak sembuh. Then masa Lifegroup aku berdoa untuk healing. Atleast Tuhan sembuhkn aku punya sakit kepala sebab kepala rasa berat sangat the whole day tu. Thank God. Dah kurang sikit. Kengkwan nasihatkan aku untuk g PK,makan ubat la tapi orang macam aku nie jenis yang sihat sendiri. Tak bergantung pada ubat dan doktor sangat sebab aku tahu in the end dorang akan suggest aku untuk tidur,rehat cukup dan minum air banyak.pfft. Pastu larat la pula aku nak g PK dengan kepala yang berat? Kang terpengsan ke apa ke.. Haha.. 

I really think that UTM should ada doktor in house laa. Yelaa student kol PK je,then doc datang ke bilik student la makesure sama jantina la. Atleast ada nurse peneman ke. Doc buat check kat bilik bagi surat mc dan suruh nurse bagi ubat ke.. Ni tak,yang sakit juga yang nak g PK. Waduh waduh.

Itu cerita hari Rabu. Now hari Khamis. Bangun pagi tadi bersiap untuk kelas OS sama juga. Berpusing dunia nie bila aku bangun ambik towel. Then duduk jap. Baring lagi and goalll terus terlajak terponteng kelas OS. Thankfully OS belajar sikit je pagi tadi pas aku tanya kawan. Untuk kelas kul 11 aku gagahkan diri juga la datang. Tekak dah rasa perit giler masatu. Strepsil berapa biji dah aku makan still xda perubahan.

And klimaksnya petang tadi,aku bangun tidur try bercakap sbb masatu dah perit giler tekak. Huhu. And of course,suara rock yang kuar. HAHA. Mengadu la di twitter then Cik Fai offer untuk beli air asam jawa. And FYI aku bukanlah peminat benda asam macam nie, tapi bile minum tadi whoaa sedap giler. Terus rasa clear anak tekak. But not completely heal la. Tapi getting better. Rumet balik dari test pun tergelak je dengar suara aku. Aku guna bahasa isyarat dan berbisik je ngan dia. Haha. Dia cakap dia rasa pelik sebab takde orang talkative di bilik. Now you appreciate my presence. Haha.

So kesimpulan di cerita sakit saya, jagalah kesihatan anda. Minum air asam jawa kalau sakit tekak.Pesanan ini dibawakan khas untuk anda oleh Lady Viera. ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀

Tuesday 7 May 2013

ღ Kerja Idaman Saya:Beauty Consultant at Etude House ღ

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Amboi rajin pulak sampai 2 entry sehari.Panjang tajuk entri pula tu. Nak lawan Ben Ashaari ke apa?

So habis semester keempat nie, aku x balik rumah pun. Aku buat short semester di UTM. Sadis x? Sob sob sob. Tak dapat nak menghabiskan duit mak ayah kat rumah berbelanja di bazaar ramadhan. Oh hidup ini. Haha. Pathetic sungguh bunyi. Takpelah. Berbazar di Skudai je la. Tapi kali nie kena super duper jimat laa sbb duit belanja sendiri la katakan. Tak pandai urus kewangan habis la kau. Okay bole je minta kat mak tapi sebelum tu kena sound dulu la ye tak? Blablabla xpandai urus duit..blablabla..beli apa nie ha? blablabla..kalau dah keja nanti apa nak jadi entahla.. Hanya mampu menahan dan mempertahankan diri dari butir peluru M16 dari Sri Aman jika perlu.Kekeke.

Short sem ada 10 minggu lebih kurang la. Tolak cuti raya bagai,tak sampai 10 minggu pun. Acah je tu. Oleh sebab namanya dah short sem so kelas pun short je. Ni testimoni dari akak-akak yang pernah buat short sem la. Dalam seminggu tu ada 2 atau 3 kelas je. Yelah dah subjek pun tak banyak. Hanya 6 kredit je yang dibenarkan. so paling banyak subjek adalah around 2 subjek. And aku decide nak ambik Comp Math dan Computer Science Theory. Comp Math sbb hancuss result haritu. Harap kali ni bole dapat A la trus upgrade sikit result haritu. Mudah-mudahan.Amin. CST pula sbb teori so otak aku memang suka bab-bab teori nie. So boleh la tu. Nanti tahun 3 dah kurang satu subjek aku. Boleh la bersantai di bilik,buat PSM ke,tido ke sementara kengkwan sekelas gigih ke kelas CST.Muahahaha *evil laugh*

Jadi disebabkan kelas sikit dalam masa seminggu, why not I keja part time ye dak? After wandering around tanya lecturers I, PA I, semua cakap macam takde harapan je nak keja dalam UTM. Huuu. Lagipun aku memang tak mengharap nak keja berkaitan bidang sains komputer sbb boring laa.. belajar benda tu masa cuti then kena menghadap benda sama juga ke? aaaahhh tidakk muntah hijau beta. Haha.

My shepherd advise me to keja in UTM juga la senang nak handle transport. Tapi aku seriusly x suka the idea that I have to keja with my lecturers. Haha.I want to work as something else. Something else yang x tension takde kaitan dengan pelajaran. Haha. Apakah? Belajar sains komputer tapi nak kerja as . . . . Beauty Consultant! yes, you read it right! Beauty Consultant at where? Jeng jeng jeng . . . 

Beauty Consultant at Etude House 

 So cute, i know right?

Pelik ke? Hey I'm a lady okay. so apa nak heran kalau kerja as beauty consultant nie. Like all of you know,I'm a nerd (?) and EtudeHolic. Haha. So what? The uniform above is so cute. And can't imagine my cuteness will be overload using that uniform. Goshh. Hahaha.

Will you be stress in this kind of environment? Nooooo wayyy!

I pray and pray that I will have a chance to work here. And can I say that my pray have been answer? Haha. Last week I call asking if there is any availability in Taman Universiti outlet and they say Yess,ada peluang kosong! And they ask me to go for interview ASAP. Actually they ask me to go for interview tomorrow (7 May 2013) but I say I'm still studying so I will go there during my study weeks. Two weeks before my forth semester habis. Haha. Hopefully still available la. If not,have to find other job la which I hope I didn't have to.Amin!

Can't wait for study week~~ Indeed Etude House make my sweetdream comes true! Padahal belum confirm apa-apa lagi. Haha. Pray to God la. Kalau betul Dia benarkan,He will allow it to happen. Teeehhee.

My mom tak banyak hal kali ni bila I minta permission untuk kerja. Dia cakap yang penting jaga nama baik ibu bapa,bangsa,agama dan negara. Okay takleh blah. Macam ucapan PM dah. Nak ganti Rosmah ke mak aku nie? Haha.

I'll update again ya if I manage to get the job. Will go to the interview on 1st June as a part-timer Etude House. Of course will ask the salary per hour and working hours too. Do I need to work on Sunday or not? Hopefully I can have break on Sunday la. Tak kisah la kalau gaji double ke apa sebab aku keja nie pun for fun je. Menambahkan kenalan dan pengalaman dan menggunakan ilmu kecantikan yang aku ada untuk pretty girls di luar sana :)

Ya Tuhan,,permudahkan urusan ku. Amin.

Monday 6 May 2013

{Review} Skinfood Black Sugar Mask Wash Off

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

This is my first review,right? Haha. Since after this I'm going to post more reviews to share with my lovelies out there :)

So i got this wash off mask sample during my March haul. And I decided to try it during my midsem break. I can use this sample about 3 times before completely finish it. Quite a lot of amount for a sample huh? 

Sugary and creamy(?) I don't know how to describe.Haha

 When applied to my face,it feel warm and sting a little bit.

Leave on face about 5 minute then wash with cold water. So refreshing! 

My experience:
I have a combination type of skin. Oily at T-Zone and normal at cheeks area.And yeah,blackhead and whitehead is my number ONE enemy. Normal for people with oily skin. Not to forget have to fight for such a visible pore at nose and around nose area. Okay so what is the relationship between my skin condition and this mask? Haha.

Okay,so I have itchy hand and always want to pinch out the blackhead and whitehead on my nose, making it to leave a black scar and start to dry and exfoliating itself. 

Using this mask, I can see that the part of skin that is drying is exfoliating completely from my nose leaving my nose with new reborn skin. Cewahh. 

In conclusion:
I love this wash off mask as a natural exfoliator. It does what it claims which is Black sugar mask with rich minerals and vitamin to provide luster and smoothness to skin.  But nay,I'm not going to purchase the real size as my St.Ives Apricot Scrub still waiting to be finish. Haha.

Friday 26 April 2013

{ Review: Buku Sekolah Banyak Penunggu }

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Tadi check keyword yang masuk ke blog dan  terjumpalah search ada yang cari review pasal buku Sekolah Banyak Penunggu karya Nurul Syahida. My favourite writer selain dari Hlovate. 

To the one that search for this book review, here it goes.Short and simple review.What do you expect? me revealing the ending? No no no. Go read by yourself because . . . 

The book worth a read! Really ! For me laa. As expected from Nurul Syahida, she never disappoint her readers. The plot and of course the ending twist,I loiiikeee it soo much! I'm already expecting something gonna happen in the end btw.And my hunch was right!

Yes,ceritanya lain daripada yang lain.Some story feel so real. Sebab compilations citer la katakan.

Cik Shai berjaya membuatkan saya tersenyum sendirian dan tergelak berdekah-dekah dengan ayat yang bersahaja yang digunakan beliau. Ececeh. Formal giler. Haha. Serius,some part soo funny for me. Takkan saya nak gtau kan? Awak bacalah sendiri baru tau. Tak surprise la kalau bagitau.Eish.

Overall :  

Congratulations Cik Shai ! Keep up the good writing :)

Mana nak dapatkan buku ni ?
Jum ke !

p/s: Lepasni nak baca 3 Hati pula. Can't wait. Emak Cik Fai yang tolong kite belikan novel ni sebab ada potongan diskaun di Popular. teehee.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Holy Grail Beauty Online Shop & March Haul (♥♥,)

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Etude House & Innisfree & OPI & Laneige & Tony Moly & Missha & Skin Food

Recently, or to be exact a month ago I have found my holy grail beauty online shop! How ? All thanks to MY ETUDE HOUSE facebook page. If you're beauty blogger or Etudeholic like me, you must know that Etude House released their Sweet Recipe line lately and yes I am always stalk facebook page for Etude House Malaysia for a while to get their updates when is their launching for Sweet Recipe line in Malaysia and there are some comment giving link direct me to this online shop . So I clicked it and Walaa! Dream comes true ^__^ HAHA. After all these time wandering around finding best of the best from online shop espcially the beauty online shop, I have found this online shop that fullfill my requirements. Cewahh. 

Why I Love this online shop?

1.Sell every/almost all famous Korean Cosmetics and Skincare Brand.

Ooo emmm geee I can find my favourite brand here, ETUDE HOUSE! With cheaper price compare to outlets in shopping mall.Other brands like Skinfood,Tony Moly,Holika Holika and It's Skin also have. Alot of choices,just pick whatever you want. Hee.

2.Very cheap afar from counter price.

This is seriously heaven for me! A student like me who loves beauty things,cosmetic and skincare from Korea, can get my favourite items with such a cheap price compare to their outlet in shopping mall. Ofcourse  if compare to korea price,a lot cheaper if you buy direct from korea using KRW but yeah the supplier charge for postage so I just thankful that this online shop offer reasonable price. Hehe.

3.Owner of this shop live in Johor Bahru.

Haha. I love this reason because my items can be in my hug in just one day. Yelah, we live in same city btw.

4.Buy more than 2 items can get free postage.

OOo eemmm geee~ I just love this! I always look for online shop which doesn't charge for postage/ free delivery given that their offer cheap and reasonable price and this is just RIGHT on time! Haha. Cheap price and free delivery if buy more than 2 items. It is not difficult to buy more than 2 items for me. I can buy more tho. Haha.

5. Owner is nice and kind

The owner is chinese. Our lingua franca is English. Hehe. She is nice and kind. She respond fast if I ask questions. Hihi.

6. Fast service

I'm talking about service when my items reached Malaysia. She will post as soon as possible and next day,walla I can have my items! Hehe. When talking about service from Korea,of course it takes time. What do you expect? It's Korea. Not Singapore.

My experience when buying :

I believe you all wanna know my experience when shopping at this shop. Ye ke? Haha. So after I found this online shop, I start to wandering around,browsing every pictures,reading every reviews. At that time,I was thinking of getting myself a BB Cream and some products from Sweet Recipe line that haven't launch yet in Malaysia. And I compared the price,seriously cheap I told you! My response when saw the price for Sun BB Cream ( Etude House) was like "Serius? Serius?" This shop sell Sun BB Cream for about RM50++ I think. Can't remember the exact price. But I remember it is wayyyyyyyyy moooooree cheaper than counter price,RM100++. WTH? Haha. After made my mind,I pm her. Listing all the items that I want. and I remember I'm asking her opinion about product that can heal acne scars and she suggest me some products witout hesitate. Then, I bank la after she calculated all the price. She told me that my items most probably reach Malaysia in 10-15 working days. And yes,my items reached me a month after that. Quite long yeah I know but have to be patient for the sake of cheaper price offered. Hehe. 

That is the only thing I dislike. Not hate ye. Quite long time for items to reach Malaysia. and items reached separately too. I think she order from different supplier kot. That is why some item reached Malaysia first. also you can pay half price first everytime you buy. In case some items doesn't reach/missing. Hihi. And yeah,it happened to me. My Etoinette Crystal Shine Lipstick is missing during delivery she said. So the owner asked her supplier to send it again. Hopefully can get it sooner or later. 

What I bought ?

Looks yummy kan? Sweet Recipe Chocolate Eyes

Precious Mineral Sun BB Cream

Tear Drop Eyeliner, Sweet Recipe Candy Stick, Nymph Aura Volumer in #2 and It's Skin Power Effector Vitamin C 

Free sample, yeayyy!

My face when using this product all together. kikiki

I'm an EtudeHolic ya. Almost all my skincare and cosmetic product are from Etude House. I love Etude House because their packaging are cute and so princessy. I'm so weak with cute things btw. Haha. Also,their product works well for my skin so far. Hehe. And now, buying for second times already at this shop and this time I'm paying half price first. Haha. Can't wait for my items to reach to me. Weee~

So I will review this item one by one later. Hopefully. Stay tuned :)

Disclaimer: I'm not pay to promote this shop ye. I'm just sharing the best to all of my readers. To the owner,thank you for your effort. Really grateful that I met you. Haha. Keep up the good work and offer cheap and reasonable price for shoppaholic like me. Haha.

What are you waiting for? Come,like this page and shop till you drop!

Happy Shopping!

Monday 25 March 2013

Buzy Bee ٩(●̮̃•)۶

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Hujung minggu nie, penuh dengan Bible Conference. Start Jumaat malam. Sambung petang Sabtu then malam. Hanya break for dinner je.

Sedangkan ada dua test menanti Week 7 nie. Risau tu risau jugalah. Yelah,kengkawan belajar tapi saya habiskan masa mendengar Firman Tuhan. Kali ni tema Bible Conference ialah Prosperous Church. Saya tahu banyaaaaaak perkara thru this BC. Thank you Lord for this opportunity. And that give me strength for my upcoming days. As busy as bee.

Esok (Monday-25/03) ada Kuiz OOP. Tuesday pula Quiz Probability. Rabu malam, Test OOP. Jumaat malam Test OS.

Honestly, my faith and my trust to God dicabar. Tapi sangat bersyukur sebab melalui BC nie tadi, I learnt one thing. One MOST important thing. DIA akan memberkati kita as long as we are doing it for Him. So, I want to uphold my study unto His hand from this time onwards.I learn for Him. I want to be blessings for people around me. :)

Ada banyak benda mahu dikongsikan tapi tunggulah sehingga ada masa sesuai. Lately nie macam semua orang terasa dengan apa sahaja yang saya cakap. Hanya Tuhan sahaja yang tahu niat hati saya.

Till then. Doakan saya :)

Saturday 9 March 2013

Shopping Haul with BB1M (っ◔‿◔)っ♡

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Okay dengan rasminya saya mengumumkan saya dah membelanjakan BB1M saya. Yeay *tepuk tangan*

Apa ? Cepat sangat ? Ke lambat habis nie ? Sukati aku lah baucar aku. Jawapan macam nak kena lempang je. Haha. 

Saya beli printer HP Deskjet 2000 yang boleh print je. sebab saya dah ada scanner so no nid scanner anymore. Printer bernilai RM99. Omooo murahnya kan kan ? Tak heran laa sebab HP je pon bukan Canon. Kekeke. Lagi satu saya beli masa PC fair dan paling sadis, tinggal 2 je masa Cik Fairuz melawat fair tu dan dengan segera menelepon saya yang masih di fakulti saat itu. Tatkala mendengar berita itu maka saya berlari la sekuat hati ke DSI untuk membeli printer itu takut tak sempat sebab sangat laku kot. Terima kasih pada sahabat saya Cik Fai sebab mempertahankan hak saya untuk membeli printer tersebut. Haha. Sekarang dah boleh print sesuka hati. Haha. Takyah menyusahkan cik Fatin lagi dah. Cuma kena tanggung kos ink je la pasni tapi ink HP murah. Kekadang masa sale, combo colour + black ink dapat RM64 je. See see ? sangat menepati citarasa pelajar. Haha.
Printer kesayangan saya :)

Dan tadi (9/3/2013) si Jac telah mengajak sis Christie ke Sutera Mall, sebab SM je yang ada Popular yang terdekat kat kawasan UTM nie la. Memandai je aku bagi nama SM. Haha. Tapi malangnya Popular SM sangat kecik. Buku cerita sangat sikit. MPH di Jusco Taman U lagi banyaaaaaaaak buku. Sigh. What to do. Aku gagahkan diri juga untuk mencari buku-buku yang berkualiti, yang worth buy kat situ. Nasib baik terjumpa satu dua buku yang memang dalam wishlist aku. Antaranya karya Ain Maisarah dan Wedding Breaker (Evelyn Rose). Sebenarnya banyak lagi dalam wishlist aku seperti siri Impiana,Jutawan Gedik,Mr Right Selebriti semuanya karya Ain Maisarah. Tapi takde pula. Kat Sarawak ada, sini takde. Apa kes? Haritu tak beli kat Swak sbb belum dapat baucer lagi. Tetiba rasa menyesal pula. Huhu. Nak wat camner, guna lah duit sendiri beli buku-buku yang belum dipangkah dalam wishlist. Takpun menumpang baucer my mom. Haha. Dasar parasit.

Then the rest of it, aku belikan bible kaler pink tuu~~ dan stationaries. Sepatutnya habiskan RM100 tapi melebih pula. Haha. Aku memang camtu. Tak tertahan nafsu shopping. Tu pun setelah distreaming mana-mana yang tak patut dibeli dikembalikan ke rak semula but still melebih. Muehehe. Jac yang berhasrat nak menghabiskan RM200 hanya mampu spend RM100 je. Tu pun mati matian mencari apa lagi barang untuk dicukupkan. Haha. Macam-macam. Dahla Popular ada T&C kalau guna BB1M. 80% adalah buku, 20% baru boleh benda lain. Jenuh la nak mengira. Aku ni sampai kena cari tempat terselindung sebab malu kena tengok dek orang ramai asyik mengira buku dan alat tulis dalam bakul. Lawak lawak. Haha.

Jadi marilah kita menjamu mata dengan gambar barang-barang shopping guna BB1M nie. Hihi.

Novel dan diari :)

Ni pula bible yang sangat comel. NKJV, hanya RM 24.90. Mana kau nak jumpa bible pink nyah.. ni pun last stock tadi. Gahh. So many things happened sebab bible nie. Haha.

 Buku yang 80% kononnya. 

Decoration tape. Sudah lama mengintai ni di MPH baru harinie memilikinya. Haha. I think this is creative. No nid sticker anymore. Just roll and tadaa, berhias already! 

Highlighter yang comel.

Sticker nak tampal kat scrapbook polaroid

Pen yang comel, Berdakwat jel. I loikee~~

Diari. Entah bila nak guna sebab aku ada banyaak buku diari yang comel-comel. Haha.

Haa! Told you, banyak kan? Hanya yang second from bottom tu je dah pakai. Haha. Aku suka kumpul buku comel-comel nie tapi tak kumpul membabi buta la. Kena ada fungsi juga. Hee XD

So kesimpulannya saya rasa saya spend RM250 kali ni dengan berbaloi baloi, bukan macam tahun lalu yang entah apa je yang dibeli. Pfft. Walaupun plan asal nak beli buku-buku yang berkaitan Oracle dan PL/Sql for Dummies di Kinokuniya, tapi tak jadi sebab saya tak dapat nak pergi sana. Then pujuk hati dengan mengatakan buku tu ada ebook kat internet tinggal download je and yes, saya ada ebook dia. Haha. 

Selain itu, saya beli buku online. Karya terbaru Nurul Syahida. I like her. She is my favourite Malay novelis apart from Ain Maisarah dan Hlovate. Why? Sebab cerita yang dihasilkan Cik Shai nie unik. Tak klise. Betul. Tak tipu. Ada masa I will spent sometime to tell you all why I love her :)

Inilah buku nya, Sekolah Banyak Penunggu! Saya order last week tapi servis kedai online tu kurang memuaskan la espcially dari segi khidmat pelanggan. Saya taktau pun buku ni dah dipos sebab takde notis. Last-last Jumaat,semalam randomly pergi pejabat kolej,tengok-tengok 5 hb haritu dah sampai. See ? Saya dah emel tanya bila nak pos tapi takde reply. Dahla saya pelajar Uni so urusan surat menyurat bukannya direct kepada kami. Semuanya pergi pejabat kolej dulu. Tapi saya salute la sebab kalau tak silap, isnin malam saya bank in then selasa tu kot dorang pos. And Rabu sampai. cepat bertindak secara praktikal tapi tidak secara khidmat pelanggan terutamanya membalas emel. Huhu.

Hati yang terluka diubati dengan tandatangan Cik Shai! Wohoo bukan senang tau, saya ni pun bukannya pengunjung setia Pesta Buku Antarabangsa yang biasanya novelis ada kat sana untuk sesi tandatangan jadi haruslah bangga dapat autograf nie walaupun tak jumpa face to face. Thanks Cik Shai, saya akan support awak sampai bila-bila. Sesapa yang berminat nak beli juga, marilah ke ARRAZI. 50 pembeli pertama berpeluang mendapat buku yang dah disign Nurul Syahida dan dapat badge Saya Survive macam yang korang nampak dalam gambar tu. Hee. Hanya RM15.00 ! Harga TAK termasuk postage ye.