Showing posts with label campus life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label campus life. Show all posts

Friday, 20 December 2013

3rd Year. Semester I.

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Oh hai. It's been a while. Busy me. It's just today that I feel like wanna write something here. Just telling story of how busy my life as a 3rd year student in UTM.

Final week before study week. It's hurricane. Everyone is busy doing their projects, mengejar due date. and everyone also emotionally unstable. but not everyone laa. and I don't give a damn if you just emo by yourself. Just,please don't melampiaskan kemarahan,keeomo-an tu pada orang lain, TANPA SEBAB. Be matured. Everyone is in the same shoes as you. When you're about to think how UNLUCKY you are, think twice. There are lots more people out there,far apart unlucky compare to you. Even this small stress you can't handle, what do you expect when you're working later? Think carefully.

Okay, awal bicara dah marah orang. HAHA. No, I don't mean to marah orang. It is just a reminder. 

So how's 3rd year so far ? Mcm biasa, awal sem minggu pertama tu tak busy sangat. tapi lepas tu hambik kauu. kuiz,tests,assignments,.. now end of the kuliah week, lots of things to be submitted.

Kalau semuanya setel before study week kan bagus. Ni takk. Ada lecturer yang belum bagi projek. Tapi nak minta hantar masa exam week nanti. Ada yang dah bagi projek tapi lambat giler sampai nak kena bentang minggu exam juga. Nak kena review paper lagi. 

I'm not complaining. It is just that lecturer ingat kita semua ni cuma ada satu subjek je ke satu sem? Sem ni ada 6 subjek. Projek pula 5. so almost everyday kena ada progress. And it's not like kau duduk,buat terus siap. Unless you're the genius type. pelajar cemerlang. meanwhile for student yang not so cemerlang like me, it takes time. even dah siap pun ada je yang tak kena. it is driving me crazy sometimes.

Carry mark. Well. mcm biasa. tak semua lecturer dapat show carry mark before exam. And I don't expect much. I know my performance already so just improve and add the knowledge in my head during study week. Now that I'm 3rd year,my goal is just to keep safe my GPA which is 3.00 and above. To qualify me to continue Master later. Most importantly, I can grab the skills and knowledge. Not sooo much on papers and exams.

Next sem, PSM I already. I have book my supervisor. SV that have experience in developing real system. Will learn alot of things from him. Also, he offer me to do the practical at his workplace too. So I can do my PSM and my practical at the same time. Plus,his workplace is in UTM and of course I will save the cost of living by doing my practical at UTM. Some people might says that I am afraid to take up the job ioutside UTM. Well hey there, apa kau ingat di UTM bukan real job ke? sama juga. you face the same things too. for computer science students, mana-mana kau kerja, berhadapan dengan benda yang sama. sistem. sistem dan sistem. 

But I really thank God. He is the one that makes me can go through all this craziness.  :')

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Hard times.

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Currently having hard times. I have to be a pengarah for a program. I have to confront with many kind of people. Ada yang kena paksa baru buat kerja.Ada yang buat kerja senyap tapi tak update then clash la,miscommunication la padahal dah remind awal-awal.Tak serik lagi dgn pengalaman yang lalu. Ada yang langsung tak dapat dikesan. Leader tertinggi lagi tu. Hmpphh. Bila dimesej tak balas,kol tak jawab.Seems like semua orang tak nak bagi kerjasama. Now I know the feeling of being pengarah and I think this is the last unless . .  sedangkan I give my best in their program before this. I give my full support but now? Neomu himdero. 

Ni baru program kecik,tapi organisation pun dah tak berapa stabil. Kalau tak nak kerja,buat apa masuk dulu? Sakit hati. Grr. But thank God,dalam ramai-ramai tu,ada yang bagi fullsupport juga laa. Cuma bila ada yang tak kena,yang bagi bad example tu besar pengaruhnya dalam mood aku.Haha. Yelah,yang jahat je dinampak. Yang baiknya,tak. But I realise so don't worry friends. I really appreciate it. ツ

God, i'm tired. Kadang-kadang terasa nak quit study then jadi missionary je. Full time God's worker. But now,it is not His call yet. Sabar Vie. He have His own plan for you. ツ

MOTIF? He is cute. I love him. Tehee :)

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Cuti macam tak cuti ツ

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Cuti midsem dah bermula. Saya tak balik Sarawak pun. Sadis tak ? Sob sob sob. Yelah,cuti seminggu je. Macam membazir pula berabis 200+ utk tempoh seminggu je. Baik saya guna duit tu utk makan kt sini je.

So apa saya nak buat sempena cuti ni? Banyak okayy. Cuti macam tak cuti dah =.="

  1. Akademik
  • Projek projek projek .. SADM + Database perlu pergi klinik yang betul-betul. Buat perbandingan dengan case study.So Isnin nie saya kena ambik surat kelulusan dari pejabat.
  •  HCI-Human Computer Interaction perlu buat report research writing pula. Belum mula baca lagi. Esok la. Hehe.
  • COA- Syukur dapat 'couple' aka partner yang bijak. Haha. Siap sudah program tu.Tinggal nak print dokumen then simpan segala softcopy dalam CD. 
  • DSA- Projek source code boleh ambik kat internet je. Semalam dah cari dah. Ada la beberapa yang boleh dijadikan rujukan. Buat apa nak pening kepala kalau lecturer dah sediakan jalan yang senang. Kekeke.
  • Esok jumpa Timbalan Dekan Akademik. Nak bincang pasal AGM Persaka. Memandangkan saya yang jadi Pengarah,so kenalah turun naik pejabat fakulti dan juga HEMA nanti. Lecehnyaa.. 
  • Ingat nak screening borang bebudak yang baru nak minta masuk haritu cuti nie tapi lupa pula nak ambik dari bilik kawan yang dah balik Perak dah =.=" Pelupanyaaa..
  • Nak masukkan rekod baru untuk kelab di kolej juga. Well,saya kan setiausaha di mana-mana je. Haha. 
   3. Kolej
  • Naik cuti midsem nie kolej kiteorang ada Pesta Havoc. Saya dilantik jadi ajk unik cenderamata and Hadiah. Kena buat sijil dan hamper. masalahnya tak pernah sekali pun pergi meeting. bukan saya yang malas k. cuma dorang tak panggil saya. tak buat notis pun. tup tup kawan citer semalam bla bla ada meeting utk pesta tu. pelik. sebab tu la agak kurang suka buat program under JKM Kolej nie. ada je defect. kurang pengurusan betul. tch =.=' sabar je laa..
  • Utk pesta tu juga saya kena jaga kelab RIOTS. Kelab nie merupakan kelab under JKM Kolej so sebagai salah satu kelab yang bernaung under JKM, harusla contribute something kan ? Contohnya cari juri utk setiap games yang akan diadakan tu nanti. Then kena buat borang utk unit aktiviti. Tak paham betul. Apa je keja unit aktiviti kalau tak buat borang ? suruh orang kelab pula yang buat. Tch. Kena hantar before selasa. Maksudnya, esok la last kan? Ayyee. stress naa aku ngan orang cmya.
   4. Kelas
  • I offer myself nak buat design baju kelas then ketua kelas jumpe design yang cantik and he want me to buat prototaip aka sampel yang ikut kriteria design selepas perbincangan di FB haritu. Masa kelas DSA lagi tu. Haha.
Cantik sik? Bukan saya buat. Tapi jadi ilham je la utk baju kelas nanti. Nanti saya upload k yang my version punya. Hee.

Banyak tak banyak? Nasib baik la stay kat UTM je cuti nie dengan kawan yang dari Sarawak juga then rumet dari Sabah. so kiteorg melepak bersama la cuti nie. Selasa ni outing pergi Desaru. Aktiviti church,by U3B. U3B adalah nama unit lifegroup church kiteorg. Ohh tak sabar tak sabar tak sabar ! Haha. 

Oh ya! I'm open to any rekues yang nak minta saya design header blog,poster ke,tshirt ke.. satu design ada lah harganya. Tak mahal,student price punyerr :P

Okay,got to go. Nak buat keje. Toodles!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Final Exam Semester II

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Tengok Cik Fairuz post pasal Final Exam Semester II so kite pun terhegeh juga nak citer. Hehe. Currently aku kat PSZ, konon nak belajar Network la setelah seharian kat bilik takpat nak study langsung sbb network subjek sangat BOSAN!! Sungguh Virtual. Tetiba teringat Virtual Barber. Haha. Apapun chapter 23 dah siap baca. Baca je bukan nak faham betul-betul pun =.="

Setakat nie 2 paper down. TITAS dan Programming Techniques II. Titas okay je. Walaupun ada nama NC UTM kuar, Zaini Ujang and I was like ?? Eh eh takde pun dalam buku TITAS semalam? Haha. Kantoi tak baca buku habis. Ya, ya saya mengaku. Saya tak baca abis pun. Dah sampai page 200 something terus rebah. Kalah dengan rasa bosan dan mengantuk. Huhu.

Programming macam biasa je. Macam last sem ? Tak kot. Better rasanya. Rasa je pun. Haha. Apapun pasrah je laa.. kekadang rasa macam nak berhenti belajar pula. Eh tetiba ? Haha. Takde laa. Itu hanya perasaan putus asa yang menghantui diri. No matter what happen, my Heavenly Father will always be with me <3

So next week paper Network on Monday. Wednesday pula paper Computational Math and finally, Thursday paper Web Programming ! Wehuuu! Ceh ceh happy gaya macam dah habis periksa. Apakah ? Saje nak trigger mood happy sikit atleast bermotivasi sikit la kan kan ? Hahaha. My only hope to get A this sem is Web Programming. sebab aku minat subjek tu. minat giler giler. bukan macam dengan Network nie haa.. virtual virtual.. tak nampak pun apa benda yang aku belajar nie dalam konsep real life. Huhu. sadis tak?

Apapun I just do my best. Dapat C ke atas dah syukur dah, hahaha.

Okay, adios. 

Friday, 20 April 2012


Hai awaks!

Semalam test Network and Communication.And I was like . . .

Haa.Okay tak lawak. Takda apa nak dibanggakan. Korang ingat senang ke jadi budak sains komputer nie? Aie,berasap juga lah kepala otak semalam. Tafakur punya tafakur selama 2 jam,sebelum 15 minit terakhir dah menyerah kalah.Duduk lama dalam  dewan pun belum tentu jawapan jatuh dari langit.So baik blah, pekena roti canai telur di N24. Lapar doe setelah memerah otak yang tak berapa banyak ilmu. Haha. Kenapa harus belajar  segala IP, 7 layer and calculation bits bagai tu,bila masa kiteorang belajar ? Nie mesti kes tak fokus nie Viera. Yelah, lecturer foreigner dari Somalia yang ajar. Dia ajar apa, cakap apa pun aku tak faham. Dia ke Somalia, aku ke Sarawak. Haha.

Sudah.Lupakan. Quiz and Final buat elok sikit. Ayat memujuk hati diri sendiri. Haa,insaf lah ye cik Viera. Kang dapat C lagi untuk subjek yang kritikal. Haha.

Yeay esok takde kelas tapi kena pergi fakulti,uruskan hal berkaitan dengan program kelas. Petang ada perbincangan nak buat website tadika ngan geng. Next week kena ada lah sikit -sikit daripada takda langsung. Kerja bertangguh tak menjadi. Hehe. Malam pula prayer meeting di gereja. Ouch,cik Viera sangat sibuk. Haha.

Dah jadi tabiat Cik Viera nie trace akaun keluar masuk wang kat Cimb Clicks setiap minggu, nak tahu la perbelanjaan kat sini kan. Yelah, kite bukan anak dato',kerabat diraja yang apalah sangat RM100 tu kalau dibelanjakan. Kan kan ? Haa. Then terdetect la quite excessive perbelanjaan last week. Dalam jarak sehari dah habiskan RM100++. Pelik giler. Vie beli apa ek ? Terbeli Iphone 5 kot bak kata senior. Hahaha. Sumpah pelik. Huhu. Puas ingat balik apa yang dibeli on that day tapi nothing. Clueless. Shopping takda. Beli kasut ke, baju ke ,memang takde. Makan adalah. Tapi makan sampai RM100 ? Seriusly ? Kau makan apa doe ? Lobster ke? Hahaha. Aduyai. Stress ~~  Since ada excessive expenses,this week kena double the jimat. Fighting! Tahan nafsu makan benda-benda yang tak patut. Aie,apakah? Haha. Jangan-jangan aku terbagi dua keping not RM50 yang warna biru tu dengan tak disedari yelah kot-kot ingat duit RM1 ke,kan sama kaler. Aku selalu macam tu. Aaaaa sudah. Rugilah kalau benda tu betul-betul terjadi. Huhu.

Biarkan. Benda dah jadi. Next time kena kawal diri sikit. Kontrol perbelanjaan tu. Ingat senang ke jadi budak Universiti nie ? Nak mengharapakan PTPTN ? Cett. Baik takyah minta. Haha. Okay,fine. Macam lah aku nak sangat PTPTN tu. Taktau lah napa my mom and dad suruh minta juga haritu padahal takde benefit pun kat aku. TT______TT

Mr.Andy dah beriya je nak jumpa tapi cik Viera nie belum ada masa nak gi bandar. Kite suruh dia datang sini taknak pula.Haha. Kekangan masa from my side. Dia pula hujung minggu ada belajar motorsikal. Well,orang tu ambik lesen B2 la katakan. Kereta belum lagi. Macam rugi pula tak ambik serentak. Tapi takpelah. Go go go dear ! ❤

Actually tengah buat minit mesyuarat nie,untuk PERSAKA tapi end up buat entri untuk blog. Yelah, boring kot buat minit mesyuarat. Haha. Dah nasib jadi Setiausaha begini lah. Dah la setiap minggu ada meeting so setiap minggu ada minit mesyuarat kena buat. Masalahnya kite nie suka sangat buat minit mesyuarat jadi koleksi. Haha. Sebulan sekali baru buat. Haa ambik kau kena buat 4 minit mesyuarat. Leceh. Leceh. Grrr.

Okay,sekian recent update from Lady Viera.

Anyeong ! ◕ ‿-。

Lots of Love ;

Saturday, 31 March 2012

❤ Kite Jumpe Mejar Faiz!


Ambik kau gambar sebesar-besarnya kalau boleh.Haha.Kawan aku cakap aku macam artis kat dalam nie.Cehceh.Sebab? Style rambut and bentuk muka.Apakah? Haha. Thnkyou Mejar sbb sudi tangkap gmbar ngn retis picisan mcm kite nie.Auww~Mejar nie sangat hensem tau tak? Secara LIVE tengok memang fuhhh cair beb! *gatal la tu* Haha..senyuman dia very sweet and charming..dulu sebelum jumpa dia LIVE rasa macam ala biase je mejar tu..tak hensem pun..skrg dah jumpa,bapak smart giler.Heheee.Kalau jumpa Dr SMS mau nya kite pengsan tadi.Haha..UTM,next year jemput DR SMS pula k? Haha.

Tadi kite pergi UTMost Imagination  kat Padang Kawad UTM.Event nie memang event tahunan UTM.Jemput orang luar kenal-kenal ngan fakulti di UTM.Sasarannya memang bebudak sekolah menengah la..bebudak matriks Negeri Sembilan pun ada..

Kat event nie,macam Jom Masuk UTM sekaligus ada pameran rekacipta yang kreatif dan inovatif gler.Tp syg kite tak tangkap gambar banyak-banyak td.Tak bawa kamera.Tak expect pun akan pergi sini sebab agak jauh la dari kolej kediaman kita tapi kan pagi tadi ada test programming so alang-alang dah kuar bilik terus kol delivery minta antar g Padang Kawad.Sebab weekend takde bus UTM kat dalam.Bus UTM antar bebudak g UMall and Jaya Jusco je.

Balik dari Padang Kawad,jalan kaki je.Santai. Sebab cuaca pun mendung.Lepas hujan so kita ngan budak comel dari Sabah,si Ain riang ria raya je balik jalan kaki.Tak terasa penat pun.Hehe.

Hari ni sangat seronok.Pedulikan test tu.Yang lepas biar lah.Haha.Yang penting kite dah buat yang terbaik!


Friday, 16 December 2011

|Stay Up dan Sakit Kepala|

Hai awaks!

Tiada mukadimah panjang lebar untuk entry kali nie.Maleh den.Sakit kepala.Tak tidur nie sepanjang malam.Siapa suruh kan? Haha.Tu la pasal.Buat kerja last minute.Awal minggu bersenang lenang betul.Sekarang sampai tak tidur sebab buat assigment.Weekend nie aku kena pergi Tanjung Piai,Pontian ikut kursus pengurusan yang dianjurkan HEMA UTM so aku takut aku takda masa nak buat kerja baik tak tidur terus lepas tu complain sakit kepala apalah..Standard la mahasiwi 'cemerlang' macam aku nie nak stay up segala bagai sampai tak tidur gara-gara buat assigment.Haha.Moga mendapat balasan yang  setimpal dengan usaha.Amin!

Dengan team mates yang macam bukan team-mates baik bagi markah individu terus kat aku.Ni dorang free je dapat markah sekali padahal aku yang berhempas pulas buat.Sengal la.Kalau team-mates aku baca post nie, oh hai team-mates.Awak malas? Awak sakit? Awak tak tahu buat ? Takpe,saya yang rajin,sihat dan tahu buat nie akan buat untuk kita okay. Agak sinis ye di situ. Team-mates,sila terasa and rasa bersalah k.Lepastu pergi minta maaf.

Aku tak kisah sebenarnya nak buat seorang tapi nak juga mengungkit kat sini.Hoho.Mengade je.Sebab ilmu tu aku juga yang dapat cuma bengang la dorang takda effort nak tanya"Vie,ada apa perlu aku bantu?" walaupun dia taktahu buat atleast tunjuk rasa concern tu. Grr. Sebal. Ok dah.Kang gaduh pula ngan team-mates aku.Team-mates,chill ! ^_^

Okay,esok nak tidur puas-puas dalam perjalanan ke Pontian.Wee~Bercuti.Haha.Bercuti la sangat.

Agak-agak Tanjung Piai tu macam nie tak pantai nya? Haha. Imaginasi melampau gara-gara tak tidur.Ok dah.Babai~ Nanti aku citer pasal Kursus Pengurusan tu ya.Tu pun kalau rajin.pfft. 

Monday, 5 December 2011

Survey.Project TIS

Hai everyone!

It's been a long time huh? I dunnoe what to post here lately.Many things happened yet I rather keep it in myself.Haha.No privacy la kalau semua citer kat blog <---mcmlah ada org mau tau kan? haha.

Macam biasa,sibuk.Mengalahkan lebah. bzzz sana,bzzz sini.

Hmm,tak nak cakap panjang lebar.Currently I'm doing a research or project for one of our subject in this semester that is Technology and Information System.We're doing research about why computing career is not popular in our country,Malaysia.Espcially between Database System and Software Engineering course.Since I'm also doing minor and supporting topic which is Negative Perception on Computing Career among our comunity,I've prepared the survey questions.Hope you guys can cooperate with me by helping me answer it.Kejap je.Hehe.So,here's the link :


Also,feel free to visit my blog for this project.

You guys won't feel regret by visiting that blog.There will be a lots of information about computer science world.It is based on our experience.My experience as a computer science student di mana selalu disalahtafsir masyarakat sebagai student yang bodoh je ambil course sains komputer.And I think now is the time for us 1-SCSD UTM change their thoughts by presenting and comes up with our own solutions.

I'm sorry for the incovenience,since that blog is still under construction till I'm writing this entry.I have no time to edit it.Hehe.Coming soon,I'll start to update it with my analysis,my findings and my video's interview with my senior.

Thanks for your support guys! ^___^

Saturday, 8 October 2011

⇨Story of a Lady from UTM

Hai everyone!

Whoa~It's been a month since I didn't update anything in my blog, you guys miss me ? Muahaha.

Well,as you all know I'm furthering my 1st degree at UTM Skudai,Johor Bahru.In programme Computer Science (Database System). Will graduate with first class degree in coming 4 years,amin :)

I stay at Kolej Tun Razak.One of the inner ring college.You know what makes the difference between inner ring and outer ring college ? Inner ring college mean you will able to walk to go to your faculty.The busses also provided as my college bus,there were 3 of them.But for outer ring,they are quite so far from the faculty.Also,there is sometimes one bus per hour.So,never have a chance to malas-malas and woke up late coz once you're late,you have to walk for hundred miles or wait for the next bus to come.This is based on my friend experience who stay at KDSE.One of the outer ring college.

Okay,at college,there is 2 students per room.And my roomate was Christian too,was KMLians too and was the girl who going to same church with me at Labuan too.What a small world! She's very kind-hearted person.And gila-gila too.Haha.Her name is Velantina Aspah.A girl from Sandakan.And she is 20 cause she is in Program Dua Tahun at KML.

We called ourself as roomate yang sengal.Haha
So that's her.She's taking Mathematics programmme under Faculty Science.It's kinda weird when all my classmates mostly their roomate are taking the same programme with them but me,it's different.I bet they(pihak pengurusan) organising us due to religion first.She's in UTM Choir team like me too.

Now,let me introduce you all to my HUHA friends.

Farah/Fafa/Shindong with me-Hello Kitty girl :P
This is Farah Suriani.I called her,Farah.Sometimes Fafa and sometimes Shindong.I dunnoe how come there is a Shindong for her nickname.Haha.I know her during the week of orientation.And become my HUHA friend after that eventho we're not in the same faculty and same course.Her room was beside my room actually.She's a very cheerful girl and that's why I love being friend with her.Always laugh eventho that thing is not funny enough,though.Haha.Oh,ya. She is from Terengganu and ex-KMP.And she's taking Math Industry under the same faculty with my roomate,Vel.

Hello kitty girl and mashi maro ;)

This cute friend of mine name Siti Noorain.I called her Ain and sometimes Mashi Maro.Why mashi maro? There's a picture of us together. Which I do looks like Hello Kitty and she looks like mashi maro.Haha.So the nickname was stick with us then.She is in the same faculty with me,taking Bioinformatics programme.But there's some of our class digabungkan.She is a cheerful person too.And she is Farah's friend and we know each other during MTM week too.She is from Sandakan but currently live at Perlis cause her father is a policeman at Perlis.

Win and me :)
Her name is Zureen Syazwina.I called her Win.I know her from Facebook first and then become closer when eventually meet in real world.Haha.She come from Cheras Perdana,Selangor and Singapore since her mother originated from there.She is ex-KMPk and taking the same programme with me here.Database system.The simple word to describe is she is my classmate.myteamate and my partner during Lab for Digital Logic.And many people think we're roomate cause we're always together.Hihi.She is very bubbly person.Love to laugh like Farah too.Haha.

Okay,enough introduce my cutesweetladies friends.If you all notice,all of them are very cheerful and gila-gila person.I love being friend with someone happy go lucky and when it comes to study,they will take it seriously.We all have chemistry together eventho comes from different background,states and culture.I hope our friendship will last forever girls.♥
Now,about my study.So far,so good.Assignment ? Not much.That's all i can say. There are assignments but still it doesn't make me so stress like when I at Matriks. It is just when you become an university student you have to think big.Think outside the box.That's the challenge I'm facing now.I have two big project for being a 1st year student. Harvard Bussiness Case Study and 1st Year SCSD project. and I don't know where to start with. =.=" Nevermind,will figure it out in time. Hopefully.

Overall,i really love my life here.Seniors are kind.Lectures are very sporting.I hope this coming 4 years everything gonna work like I want.I can't hope for everything to be always fine and perfect.That's not what I want for life.I want challenge which I can face it with grateful heart.I want something new,new experience when I'm at new in the future,I will able to overcome new bigger challenge.Experience is the best teacher,right? ;)

Till then,guys.Will update soon :)