
Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Meet Chrissy, Best Christmas Gift Ever. ◕ ‿-。

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

As you all know, haritu saya ada post pasal Christmas Gift 2012 kan,so meet Chrissy,my mini instax 7s.

Hanya RM199 with Free Delivery!

Itu yang penting. FREE DELIVERY. Haha. Apart from the fact yang ianya sangat murah berbanding dunia nyata dan online shop yang lain.

Package nya?
Instax 7s Pink
Batteri 4 biji
Manual book
Warranty Card
FREE 10 pieces Plain Film

Package biasa kita nampak di Online shop, cuma harganya lagi murah. Sangat murah. Even mak saya sendiri terkejut. Tehee. Thanks to one of my friend yang suggestkan untuk beli di Lazada.

Saya order hari Sabtu haritu kalau tak silap. Once my dad dah bank in sebab dia janji nak belikan nie utk saya,so lepas sekian lama compare sana sini di online shop, akhirnya ambik keputusan untuk beli di Lazada. Perkhidmatan terbaik la. Senang je. Sign Up then dapat free coupon RM10  and coupon ni hanya boleh digunakan utk pembelian RM100 ke atas dalam masa 30 hari selepas sign up dengan Lazada. My stupidity, saya tak perasan pun ada email pasal coupon nie masa saya order haritu so end up me not using it la. So rugi. Kalau tak mesti jimat RM10. Huu. Moral of the story, cek emel selalu okay. Haha.

And petang tadi dah sampai. Rasanya dorang pos semalam kot. Saya tak berniat pun nak cek ke ofis tadi tapi macam ada some kind of feeling suruh cek,so saya pun pergilaa and tadaaaa ada nama dalam buku log masuk barang and dapat kotak Gedex. Ooo mak aiii memang teruja giler la. Rasa nak melompat masa tu jugak! Haha.. 

Sumpah, rasa gembira sangat bila benda yang kita idamkan selama nie akhirnya dapat. Whew. Big thanks and hug to my parent espcially, despite my result in study pun bukannya bagus sangat selama nie but still they make my wish come true. Love you mom, dad ❤

Wajah happy suka hati bila dapat kamera idaman hati, cewah berima gituu~~ Lepas nie boleh la tangkap gmbar instantly siap on the spot and berangan nak buat buku skrap dengan contengan dan doodles sendiri. DIY art la konon. Hanya perancangan semata-mata.Taktau jadi kenyataan ke tak kalau dengan kebusy-ness begini.. Haha. This coming Christmas, we'll have fun with Chrissy. Ngee ^___^

p/s: Now waiting for another parcel. Surprise surprise ◕ ‿-。

Monday, 10 December 2012

God Of Healer.

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Unedited version of me :)

As you all know, my little sister being admitted to the hospital last week,right?

So thankfully, she is okay now. It is just that she have not yet been release from hospital, doctors still need to    memantau her. The infection ? Nurses had clean them with some kind of medicated liquid last few days ago so basically her left leg is clean now. Kudis free! Hehe. She can run and walk like before. I'm so glad, so relieve.

 I am really thankful. To God. Cause He is God of Healer.

You know, when you pray with faith, He will answer your prayer. Believe that.

p/s: Tak sabar nak balik jumpa dia this 16 January. Oh,her birthday too! ^_^

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Korean Style Dress for Sale.

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Korean Style Dress for sale ♥ .
Never wear it. 
Selling it because it is not fit on me. 
Interested ? PM me ♥


Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

This evening my mom texted me,saying that my cutest little sis being admitted to Hospital Sri Aman. God,what's happening? I'm so nervous when hearing the word Hospital itself. Have a bad experience with hospital few years back. Then she call me. Told me that my lil sis left leg have been infected with some kind of penyakit kulit. Not HFMD for sure. She got it this sunday,condition getting worst by yesterday then my mom took her to hospital and being admitted to hospital by then. Being injected about ten times cause nurses can't find her vein, she is still small walaupun chubby but it hurts for me to hear that. not knowing anything yet she said " enda pedis" which mean tak sakit. Lil sis, you're so strong :') 

Lord,with faith I pray for your healing. Don't make something bad happened to her oh Lord. Cast away all the pains and may this experience can bring back my family to you oh Lord. I know You make something happened for reasons and please, have it your way oh Lord. Just heal my little sister so that she can walk,run actively like before.You know how much I love her.Amin amin amin !

I miss her right now. Be strong dear lil sis !
I wish I could beside her with mom to take care of her too.  T________T
Lord,protect my family. . .

Get well soon,Clarissa Lunca <3

can't see my laptop screen clearly with teary eyes.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Why worry ? Keep Calm and Smile ❣

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Oh bulan Disember rupanya. Ayat gramatis sikit. Haha.

Bulan Disember selain dari bulan Krismas macam yang saya citer before nie, bulan disember juga bulan paling busy for us, university student, sape setuju sila angguk depan laptop❣

Nak tau sebabnya ?

Semua projek yang diperam selama berbulan lamanya minta dihantar ke empunya,untuk disemak,untuk dinilai,untuk diberi markah.

Stress tak stress, depend pada macam mana orang tertentu untuk handle. For me,myself, kali nie prepare awal-awal. Dah buat perancangan, part by part stage by stage thanks to team mate Cik Fairuz yang sudi beri kerjasama :)  Kami sama-sama berjuang buat apa yang patut supaya kerja takde la serabut sangat di hari kemudian. 

Ada 3 project untuk sem kali nie. Semuanya perlukan implementation. Let me start with the easiest one.

Project Data Structure and Algorithm

Kenapa senang? Sebab tak perlu nak pecah kepala buat betul-betul. Oh bukan buat tipu juga cuma kami diberi kebebasan untuk copy coding di internet asalkan ada kena mengena dengan apa yang kami belajar dalam subjek nie. Masalahnya,apa yang kami belajar dalam kelas? Sebab saya sendiri kadang-kadang, eh saya sendiri tak pernah fokus dalam kelas. entah kenapa. Haha. Lecturer tak best. Alasan. tapi takpe, ada buku boleh rujuk. Ada internet boleh copy. my team dah ada coding cuma belum try run lagi nie. Dalam minggu nie juga la plan nak buat once after report HCI siap. Untuk projek DSA,kebebasan memang milik kami semua cuma bila terlalu bebas kami sampai taktau nak buat apa dah. Sebab yelah,terlalu bebas sampai takde limitations. so saya ambik langkah berani gitu, emel lecturer petang tadi regarding specific requirements, and dia reply saya with this :

I think I have explained this matter.
Basically you must do the demo, and cite the resources if any.
In the slides, you must explain what is the project about including the background, the objectives, and how to accomplish the objectives.

Okay, 2SCSD please follow the guidelines given if you want full marks for project. and Goodluck ❣
Due date,it is better to present it before 21st December,before our study week start. for my team, I'm thinking of presenting it next week. Maksudnya weekend nie dah nak kena buat slide daa..  Jia you ❣

Project Human Computer Interaction

Untuk details projek nie, sesape yang berminat boleh la tengok info di blog projek saya ni. Saya update pasal projek ongoing for this subject. Until now ( 4 Disember ) belum update apa-apa lagi. Haha. Cuma intro je. Belum ada masa terluang nak speaking kat blog tu. I promise,by this week akan diupdate juga. Go go go Vie ❣ 

Next week kena bentang research report, it is one of our requirement sebab takde mid term test untuk HCI so kiteorang ada extra work kena buat since takde mark sebab takde test. Untuk research report,my part almost 70% siap. Malam nie ingat nak go for extra miles untuk siapkan apa yang patut, atleast ada progress laa.. since next week dah nak kena bentang. 

Next week yang satu lagi, 21st December kena bentang untuk projek mega pula. Haha. Takde la mega sangat. Kiteorang just buat apps untuk kira GPA je. kekeke. Malas nak buat berat-berat punya projek. Cukupla pening kepala dengan projek SADM+DB. For this mega project, satu pun belum buat cuma dah nampak story board je. untuk implementation,coding bagai belum tersentuh lagi since akak senior yang satu group dengan kiteorang nie pun sibuk dengan PSM beliau. Hmm.. esok kena bincang dengan distribution of work nie.

Project SADM dan Database

This is the largest and most important project of all for us, database student. Ni membuktikan kalau kami benar-benar layak untuk gelar diri sendiri sebagai budak Database. Bukan tengok pointer awak okay. Tapi berdasarkan kejayaan projek nie, how do you put yourself SCSDians? Prove that you're really SCSD students dengan memastikan kejayaan projek yang nie walaupun ianya cuma case study je. Gambateh ❣

My group, halfway there. A little bit problem on how to connect HTML interface yang bakal kami buat dengan Microsoft Access kelak. God, open the way please. Ofcourse dah cari tutorial cuma belum apply kan lagi. Tanya lecturer,beliau suruh usaha sendiri dulu. Dia bagi guide je. Ayee.. letih juga otak nak memikirkan. But it's okay Vie. Buat satu satu ye. One step at a time ^_^

Nampak macam sedikit. Yelah sebab nie secara general. Every details, kalau saya explain korang tak faham punya cukupla tahu bahawa Disember nie saya sangat sibuk. Nasib baik takde sesape yang menunggu untuk dientertain,oh yes I'm a single lady now eventho the other side still can't let me go. Let him be. :)

Till then,

December Wishes ✿

Hey lovelies 。◕‿◕。

Yeay,it's December!

I love December. Why? It's Christmas season. Gifts. Its a must. Haha. Kenapa Krismas selalu dikaitkan dengan gift? Because, Christians believe that Jesus Christ were born to this world,to save us from sins.To be the ONE WAY,the truth and the life. So everytime during Christmas, we will be reminded of that one thing. The true gift,ultimate gift ever ofcourse our Jesus Christ :)

December last year, mula minggu pertama sampai akhir, Lifegroup U3B ada buat tayangan movie every week dan kiteorg akan sharing apa yang kami dapat through that one movie.Ada movie Hachiko,Ultimate Gift for last year  and I'm not sure for this year macam mana lifegroup akan diconduct.Hee.

December last year, I didn't request anything specific, just that my mom and dad give money then I go buy myself stuff that I want for Christmas gift. Huu. Membazir je. Taktau aku spend untuk apa last year. Tch. Tch.

December last year, celebrate with brothers sisters in Christ di Hope Church and for sure,this year gonna be the same. I'm not capable to go home in the middle of study week. I'm weak. Ofcourse tak dapat belajar kalau dah balik hometown. Haha.

For Christmas 2012, I wanna do something different. Okay,not that 360 degree difference, just from the way I spend my money for my Christmas gift. This time I request for something I have been longing for such a longggg time.. dari last year lagi nie.. hehe.. nak tau apa? Jeng jeng jeng!

It's Fujifilm Instax Mini 7s!

Oh my goodness, lama dah mengidam benda nie. Akhirnya dapat juga untuk Christmas gift tahun nie. Excelli bole je dapat witout waiting for Christmas tapi tak nak susahkan my parents kena keluarkan over expenses untuk benda macam nie. Hee. But this time, ada exception sebab dorang ada terima bonus and when they ask what I want,of course I want this. Haha. Murah je. RM200 kat with free delivery lagi tu. Ingat nak beli 25s punya tapi mahal sangat for me laa.. ni pun beli guna duit ihsan mak bapak. Huu. so beli yang 7s pun dah kira bersyukur.Hee.

Takyah la aku nak explain lagi pasal benda nie sebab bersepah blog dah buat review benda nie kat internet. Aku belum order lagi. Maybe next week once my parent dah bank in then terus order,terus bayar. Dalam masa 3 hari boleh dapat. Come on come on. Aku takut tak sempat sampai masa Christmas je nie. Haha. Konon nak ambik first picture guna polaroid nie masa Krismas la. Harap-harap wish tercapai. Amin!

A very gingerbread Christmas !

Mari ke JB City Square dan like page mereke on the spot then boleh dapat tiket free untuk ambik gambar free macam saya dengan Cik Fairuz haritu. Ngee. Kiteorang berdua so dapat lah dua tiket equal to dua photo bersama Gingerbread man! Wee~~ Pagi tadi online Facebook terus check page dorang and tadaa gambar dah diupload terus download cepat .Nak upload kat blog pula kan? Haha. 
Kami sangat comel bersama gingerbread man nie. Auww~ 

All I want for Christmas is : Only Lord knows ‾ ‿ ⁀